Otto is a Graphic Artist who practices as book artist, screen printer and illustrator.

Thirty years ago Otto began creating and publishing screen printed books. His first participation at an artists’ book fair was at the Barbican in 1996 where he showed his conceptual visual narrative ‘Helping you back to work’. Since then he has been presenting books at major artists’ book fairs around the world and has now published in excess of 100 titles. The most popular titles are the screen printing manuals and the cross-cut fold scifi booklets, which have sold in their thousands. In 2019 Otto won the V O Stomps Foerderpreis, Mainzer Minipressenmesse, Gutenberg Museum for the titles Camino de Santiago, Voyage Fantastic, We Will Rule The World.

Discounts to resellers (galleries/bookshops):
orders from 500€ : 20% discount
orders from 1000€ : 40% discount

Central Books, 50 Freshwater Road RM8 1RX, England

For all sales and distribution in China:
Doooogs, Rostocker Str. 25, 10553 Berlin

I am looking for contributors of short texts: poems, writings, philosophy, scientific, etc.
If you are interested and you think it might fit into the ottographic spirit, let me know.

Otto has worked in editorial illustration since graduating in 1991 from Bristol Polytechnic in Graphic Design. After a Masters in Illustration at Kingston University in 1996 Otto was amongst a handful of Illustrators pioneering a conceptual graphic style based on screen print and collage, often accompanying texts on the internet revolution. Otto’s image making is derived from Russian Constructivist design, which provided the visual backdrop to the political revolution in Russia 100 years earlier. During his career Otto made countless illustrations for numerous international print publications including The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Economist, Libération, Le Monde, The New York Times, Der Freitag, Cicero.
Currently Otto illustrates the Free Exchange, a weekly column in the Economist.
Enquiries regarding commissions are welcome, preferably regarding regular work, rather than casual one-off consignments.

In 2020 Otto moved to Côte d'Armor, Brittany where he opened a screen printing / book making workshop in Gouarec called Salamandre.
10 years earlier he had established an ope access printmaking workshop near Bath, UK.

Otto est un graphiste qui pratique comme artiste de livres, sérigraphe et illustrateur.

Il y a trente ans, Otto commença à créer et à publier des livres sérigraphiés. Sa première participation à un salon du livre d’artistes a eu lieu au Barbican, Londres, en 1996, où il a présenté son récit visuel conceptuel « Helping you back to work ». Depuis, il présente des livres dans les principaux salons du livre d’artistes du monde entier et a publié plus de 100 titres. Les titres les plus populaires sont les manuels de sérigraphie et les livrets scifi à coupe croisée, qui se sont vendus par milliers. En 2019, Otto a remporté le V O Stomps Foerderpreis, Mainzer Minipressenmesse, Gutenberg Museum pour les titres Camino de Santiago, Voyage Fantastic, We Will Rule The World.

Réductions pour les revendeurs (galeries/librairies) :
commandes à partir de 500€ : 20% de réduction
commandes à partir de 1000€ : 40% de réduction

Central Books, 50 Freshwater Road RM8 1RX, Angleterre

Pour toutes les ventes et distributions en Chine :
Doooogs, Rostocker Str. 25, 10553 Berlin

Je recherche des contributeurs de textes courts : poèmes, écrits, philosophie, science, etc.
Si vous êtes intéressé et que vous pensez que cela pourrait correspondre à l'esprit ottographique, faites-le moi savoir.

Otto travaille dans l'illustration éditoriale depuis qu'il a obtenu son diplôme en 1991 de Bristol Polytechnic en graphisme. Après une maîtrise en illustration à l'Université de Kingston en 1996, Otto faisait partie d'une poignée d'illustrateurs pionniers dans un style graphique conceptuel basé sur la sérigraphie et le collage, accompagnant souvent des textes sur la révolution Internet. La création d’images d’Otto est dérivée du design constructiviste russe, qui a fourni la toile de fond visuelle de la révolution politique en Russie 100 ans plus tôt. Au cours de sa carrière, Otto a réalisé d'innombrables illustrations pour de nombreuses publications imprimées internationales, notamment The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, The Economist, Libération, Le Monde, The New York Times, Der Freitag, Cicero.
Actuellement, Otto illustre le Free Exchange, une chronique hebdomadaire dans The Economist.
Les demandes de renseignements concernant les commandes sont les bienvenues, de préférence concernant un travail régulier plutôt que des envois ponctuels occasionnels.

En 2020, Otto s'installe en Côte d'Armor, en Bretagne, où il ouvre un atelier de sérigraphie/fabrication de livres à Gouarec appelé Salamandre.
Dix ans plus tôt, il avait créé un atelier de sérigraphie en libre accès près de Bath, au Royaume-Uni.

ottoGraphic book art , complete list

Folding Space ship, second edition, numbered open edition
Vetements, edition 40
Clothes, edition 60

Canal Boats, Machines for Living, edition 80

A voyage fantastic, Cross-cut fold book, edition 50
We will rule the world, stencil painted book, edition 25
We will rule the world, screen printed booklet, isbn, open edition

Photoshop for Screen Printing, 2nd edition (isbn), open edition
Image Making Manual (isbn), open edition
Image Making Manual, test edition of 50
Camino de Santiago, 2nd edition of 100
Folding Space Ship (isbn) open edition
Fold a Space Ship, test edition of 30
Europa, hardback, edition of 12
Europa folded sheet, edition of 45
Ban-ana, edition of 20

Planets, edition of 55
Folded Clouds, unnumbered edition of 10
Photoshop for Screen Printing, 1st edition (isbn) open edition
Screen Printing Manual (isbn), open edition
The Frog Heart, published by Wasser Im Turm, Berlin
Das Frosch Herz, published by Wasser Im Turm, Berlin

The Octopus would like to put a stop to us
(with Benjamin Heathcote) (isbn), edition of 100 un-numbered
Visa and Solo, published by Design for Today, editiom of 500
Bristol Retail Centres, edition of 10
Flat Holm (with Chris Skully), edition of 100
Camino de Santiago 1st edition of 45
Book Jacket, edition of 50
Lies (with Benjamin Heathcote), edition of 40

Modern Constructivist, pochoir, edition of 20
Modern Constructivist, screen printed booklets, edition of 100
Dot Screen Print, edition of 25
Dance, edition of 100
Still Running (with Tim Jones), edition of 80

Paper Plane, edition of 45
Narrow Boat, edition of 45
Wooden Horse, edition of 45
Folding Bike, edition of 45
What is to be done (Bookart Book Shop, London), edition of 10
Money Printer (for Sven Meier-Wiedenbach, collector), edition of 80

Cell Division, edition of 25
Invasive species, edition of 45

The Octopus would like to put a stop to us, pochoir
(with Benjamin Heathcote) edition of 24
Visa and Solo 1st edition, edition of 60
Alien Invasion, edition of 45

The Dark Tribe (with Benjamin Heathcote) edition of 100
Cookfood book 2nd ed. (with Katherina Manolessou) edition of 100

Races (with Benjamin Heathcote) edition of 100
The Stranger (with Benjamin Heathcote) edition of 100
Musical Chairs (with Benjamin Heathcote) edition of 100
Work (with Benjamin Heathcote) edition of 100
Fettered by film, pochoir (after Mayakovsky) edition of 25

Phantom King, edition of 100
Boat journeys on British waterways,
timelapse movies, DVDs
Boat journeys on British waterways, flick books:
- London Paddington, open
- London Maida Vale, open
- London Islington, open
- Birmingham, open
- Swing Bridge, open

Ode on the death of a favourite cat, 1st edition of 50
Ode on the death of a favourite cat, 2nd edition of 50
Mambo Moves, flick books (with Irene Miguel) un-numbered
- Air
- Space
- Earth
- Water
- Fire

Godzilla (with Katherina Manolessou)
Return of the Crayfish
Disappearance on he canal (with the AOI) offset
Buy One Get One Free, laser photocopy

Journey to the Centre (with Katherina Manolessou), edition of 110

Cookfood book (with Katherina Manolessou) 1st edition of 50
The End of Style, Manifesto, separated inkjet, edition of 100

Platforms, inkjet 3rd edition of 30
Heatwave, inkjet 2nd edition of 30

Buy One Get One Free, 2 colour photocopy, edition of 200
Cyclops 3, edition of 40

Cyclops 2, separated inkjet

The Rise and fall of the Lemming, edition of 48

Scottie’s transporter has gone wrong again
Fancy Dress on the Enterprise
Cyclops 1, separated inkjet

Sainsbury's Economy Baked beans, edition of 50
Businey World, edition of 15

Helping you back to work, edition of 50